Tuesday 19 January 2010

Day Three - I am a Pig

B. Bacon, Egg, Tomato. Must eat something else instead tomorrow
L. Double cheeseburger (no bun, relish or pickle), sliced chicken, olives
Snack : Cheese (obv)
D: Medium portion of sausage casserole.

I don't know if thats a lot of food, or not at the moment. It feels too early to make a judgement. Feeling pretty rough again today, but I think thats as much about giving up caffeine as anything else. I'm going to make a bigger effort with my lunch tomorrow - poor planning is going to make this difficult and expensive.

Monday 18 January 2010

Day Two - Rough

Today has not been such a great day. I feelz teh bad. I have a pretty grotty tummy and I feel really tired. Theres no way that this is going to be a lengthy post.

No temptation on the sugars yet though.
B. Bacon, Egg, Tomato
L. Cheese (yes really. Babybel.)
D. Jerk Pork, Roast Butternut Squash, Spinach (nom nom)
Drinks: Water, loads

Sunday 17 January 2010

Day One: 219

So the first day hasn't gone so badly. It's tea time and I'm a little peckish, but that's alright. Wouldn't mind a beer, but I really overindulged in the past couple of days (in preperation, haha!) so my total abstention, for at least the next couple of weeks, has to be a great thing. Man, I feel so upbeat about this, there must be something very wrong!
I weigh more than I've ever weighed. Even when I was pregnant I was never this big, and sometimes, depending on what I'm wearing, I do look pregenant, which is not a particularly good state of affairs. I'd love to say that I don't know how I got here, but I do. Big portion sizes, drink, a bit of a bingeing problem, no attempt to control what I put in my mouth - I know exactly why. But I suppose there's no point getting upset about that today, I just have to try and do something about it.
I choose low carb because:
1) I've lost weight on it before - even though I put it back on, lots of people put back on weight that they lost, whatever the diet.
2) I like the food.
3) I'm no good at calorie controlled diets. I get hungry, angry and cheat.

I'm probably not going to follow one particular plan. But its going to be atkinsy, I think, for maximum success.

Day One Menu:
B: Bacon, Egg, 3 grilled cherry tomatoes
L: Roast Chicken, Broccoli
D: Snacky things - Cheese, frankfurter, couple more cherry toms
Drink: Water, Mint Tea